Monday, April 20, 2015


So, sorry for the wait, but here are some pictures of my area and me! :D

This is my desk area

This is our bedroom, it looks messy but it really isn't :) Elder Wojahn and I are really clean.
The other Elders, that's a different story. :)

This is my desk during study time :)

This is our kitchen/dining area.

the front of our apartment

Journal writing :)

These are some sick brown shoes I picked up at a thrift store!

My Grey suite, my grey tie, and me.

Cause no missionary is complete without a Libro de Mormon and Plauqua Picture

This is close by where the shooting took place.

This is our church building.

Our Land-lord took us golfing to Top Golf on this three story golf range. It was WAY cool!

Elder Wojahn and I on a great Prep-Day

The Blessing.

     These past few weeks have been rather difficult, being so that most our appointments cancel on us or are just not home or say they are too tired. It's a bit hard not to get discouraged and frustrated when investigators don't make it to church or aren't progressing for whatever reason. It makes me wonder if there is more I could or should be doing or if there is something I'm missing or if I don't know the whole part to their "iceberg" yet. Just a few weeks prior, they were progressing, ready for baptism, a whole family happy and excited for their date. It's hard to remember that agency is a gift and that they are rightfully exercising  it.

     It's also been difficult because the members are being a bit tough to work with. Until yesterday, we have never been to a ward council nor have the Auxiliaries been very helpful in finding, retaining, or reactivating. It would seem that according to them that is all a missionaries job. There are no ward missionaries, no ward mission plan, and not many people available to help us with teaching or fellowshipping either. In our first ward council we were un-uninvited (re-invited) to attend, we were able (with the help of the Ward Mission Leader, bless his heart) to convey our concerns and our needs to the Council. It seemed to go over well, but it will still be some time before we get a functioning ward mission plan. It will be a huge blessing to the work here when the plan is in effect.

     I've had wonderful studies this past week including being able to read from Jesus the Christ and from The Book of Mormon. In the Book of Mormon I'm reading in 3rd Nephi in chapters 11 through the end about Jesus coming to the Americas and Visiting the Nephites and Lamenites and ordaining apostles and teachers and also giving them the higher law. In these studies of the Higher Law, I've learned something; that if you have charity, and genuinely love everyone, then that is the only commandment you need. If you have pure love, you wouldn't kill or commit adultery or steal or lie or commit anything against your neighbor. And, if you have pure love for God and for Christ, then you won't take his name in vain, or put anything before Them, or worship any other thing nor person. With love, with charity, you cannot sin. Now, by this I mean with the absolute pure love of Christ, you cannot sin. Unfortunately none of us possess this fully. There are many who are close, and many who strive to have the pure love of Christ, and if you see, those are they who have the least sin in their life. With the hire law, you take care of those around you, you think and feel differently about those around you, and you draw closer to The Lord because you are serving him by serving his children. "Charity never faileth." 

     Again I've been blessed to be an instrument in the Lords hands in being in the right place at the right time and following the promptings of the spirit to bless others lives. Thanks to God and his guidance my companion and I have been tools in blessing the life of a nonmember family. Allow me to share;      Elder Wojahn and I were trying to visit a former investigator that neither of us really thought would be interested or even open the door. We decided to go and see them anyways. We knocked on their door and they showed no interest. We tried to bear testimony and attempted to invite the spirit but to no avail. They said goodnight and shut the door. 
     We were about to leave when I heard the scream of a child. Then again and again, crying from what seemed to be a very young baby. We turned around to the other apartment with the door partially cracked and knocked. A young man came to the door who seemed only to be about 20 years old. I asked him how he was and if everything was okay. A young lady came to the door in that moment holding the crying child that was only a month old. This broken family stood at the door, screaming child in hand, and seemed to beg for something we could give them. The young father was tattooed and ragged with long hair and the mother with lip and nosed pierced, and yet they seemed to be trying everything they could to begin to be parents. We talked over the cry of their baby girl and asked if they new about the church or missionaries and they said they had seen and briefly talked to them on the streets before.
     They talked of how they lived with their devoted catholic mother who believes in Santa Muerta (The Saint of Death) and how their home never feels at peace. I asked what was wrong with their precious baby (who had not stopped crying) and they explained that she had a major fever and seemed to be in pain and hadn't stopped crying for a few hours now. I immediately had the impression to explain that we hold the power and priesthood of God and that we have the power to heal the sick. I asked if they wanted us to give a blessing to their daughter. They looked at us skeptically but they invited us in and said we could.  I explained to them the process of a blessing, and that with their faith, their child could be healed. 
     Elder Wojahn and I have a great companion connection and we didn't need to go over anything. I took oil out of my pocket and dabbed a drop on my finger and with the father holding the child, I placed my hands under the crying childs head. I anointed the oil, and Elder Wojahn stepped in to administer the blessing. As he spoke the words of the blessing, the baby continued to cry, so much that no one could hear what he was saying. The baby stopped crying briefly right as my inspired companion "Commanded the child to be healed." 
     The spirit instantly entered the room. The crying continued for the rest of the blessing, and not even I could understand what was said. But when he said amen, the crying stopped. The father held his child in his arms and she fell asleep. The mother was shocked as he was able to lay the baby down in the crib without awaking her. The spirit that was in the room from then on was so powerful. As we prepared to leave, they asked us if we could come back again to teach them more of the gospel. We set up a time with the English sisters to come by to teach them again.
     I testify that the spirit directs his missionaries. I know that the Lord loves all of his children and that he blesses them just as well. I know that if we live righteously we will be worthy of the spirits guidance. I know that the Lord works miracles in these days just as in days of old and I know that it is Him and His Spirit that gifts these wonderful happenings. I am grateful that the Lord trusts someone as me, a young 18 year old boy, with his healing power and I know that it is here on the earth today.

-Elder Hodges

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Happy Easter.

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been SUPER busy in the work of the Lord.

     This week has been absolutely incredible and filled with much inspiration and revelation. Starting with general conference, I have never been more excited in my life to hear and watch the words of the prophets and apostles. I eagerly awaited the days of conference to which I could sustain my leaders and learn of new announcements of temples and the church statistics. I also was on edge about the condition of President Monson and couldn't wait to see him and hear his counsel to the church. I was disappointed and heartfelt to see him how he was and that he only addressed us twice. However it brought peace to my soul to he the strength in which he delivered his message and still stood strong.
     When the sustaining of the church officers came around I was excited to show my support and honor to our prophet and apostles, but when President Uchtdorf asked if there were any opposed to our beloved prophet, and there were people who yelled out no, my heart broke to pieces, I was in shock. I sat in disbelief as I again heard them oppose the apostles. I was filled with anger and frustration and hurt as I thought of why or how someone could do such a thing. If it was a member, then of what possessed them to cry in opposition to their guider and teacher. If it wasn't a member, why would they take the time to go through everything to sit in the conference center just to oppose a prophet they didn't believe in. A part of me wishes I was in the conference center next to them to testify to them of the validity and holiness of the callings of the Lord. I learned in my heart that day that sustaining our leaders is a privilege and an honor, not to cast a popular vote on who the prophet should be. When they opposed, they were saying they oppose the will and direction of God himself, not opposing a group of men choosing the prophet. It is our way of showing that we support Gods will and that WE as members, will follow the prophets guidance and revelation. My heart goes out to those that opposed and I pray they can find there way in this life.
     On a much happier and holier note, I had an amazingly beautiful experience and opportunity this past week while we were shopping at Walmart. We were waiting in line to check out, and then I remember I needed to get new pens. I told myself I could get them next time cause I didn't want to get out of line. I felt again like I should go get the pens. I didn't want to bother my companion because we were already in line, but again I thought I should get them. So we went towards the office supplies. On our way there, we met a man standing in an isle just standing there note moving, not looking at anything. We walked back behind him and he immediately turned around and walked towards us. He came up to us and shook our hands and had a very distraught look on his face. He told us he was a member and we asked if there was anything wrong. He said there actually was and that he needed a blessing. We walked back behind the shoe isle to get out of the crowd and we asked his name and began. He had explained to us that his family situation was less than unfortunate and that his son had tried to kill his other son and that he was in prison and that his whole family was falling apart. He had also explained to us that he was from Phenox and he was just driving along and felt to stop at Walmart, miles away from home.
     We laid our hands on his head and I began to give him a blessing. I do not remember much of what was said, but in that back corner of a Mesa supermarket with the world going on around us, distractions at every angle, I will tell you that I have never felt the spirit stronger in my entire life nor has the spirit worked through me to bless someone else in all of my short experience. I remember I commanded peace to fill his life and that the Lord promised him that his family would become whole again. I do not remember his name, I do not remember what he said to us after. All I remember is tears streaming down his face and his entire complexion at peace. I will probably never meet that man again, nor will I know if his family improves. But I gained a testimony that day of the Lord, our Father in Heaven, and that he cares and watches each and every one of us in our lives. He knows who we are, He knows what we need, He guides the spirit to guide us to help those in need.

     This past two weeks I was also able to attend the Easter Pageant. Once in Spanish and once in English. Both just as beautiful. I was also able to do service with my district at Butterfly wonderland. We met a ton of people and many members as well. We worked in the sting ray exhibit and got to see and experience Gods wonderful creations.

     We've been able to meet and begin teaching two new investigators this week. Both show much interest and much desire to learn about the church. It's incredible how God prepares people to listen to and accept the gospel.

     Stay strong everyone. The work of the Lord progresses every day and every day there are miracles. God loves us, He watches over us, He keeps us in his mind, he gave us The Savior to redeem us from our sins and save us so we can return to live with our Father in Heaven. I love him. I know He lives. I know we can one day become like Him, and I am grateful so much for this knowledge.

-Elder Hodges


Monday, March 16, 2015

To the Font

This week has been absolutely incredible!

So much has happened I cannot explain it all nor should I. But really the Lord lives and he loves his children and provides a way for them to return to him again.
Elder Vojahn and I went park contacting this week to find investigators. We talked to a ton of people but we found a couple who was walking and they were happy and we stopped and talked to them. It turns out they were looking for the church and wanted to find the missionaries but they couldn't. We gave them a ton of information and got theirs as well to send to the missionaries in their area.

I learned that I live really close to the clubs home field and they have games a lot so traffic is always busy.

A few days ago we were walking out of an appointment and this guy came up to us and he was seeming a bit off and kinda weird. We talked to him for a bit then he asked us to pray with him. I asked him who he wanted to pray and if he wanted us to pray for anything specific, and I kid you not, we were in the middle of a little private drive road, and he grabs our shoulders, bows his head, and starts saying the Lords prayer. Right there in the middle of street. And then he pauses and just starts saying weird things in the prayer. then says amen. I tried my hardest not to laugh, and my comp has no idea why it was so funny to me. He didn't see any angel billies though ;) (ask my dad to tell you this story if you don't understand)

Later that evening we had a lesson with one of the families we've been teaching for a while. I felt impressed to ask them to all be baptized. The mom asked each of her kids and they all said yes! Then I asked her again, and she thought about it and also said yes! So now I have my first 5 commitments to baptism! And I couldn't be happier! 

We taught a lesson with a Cuban yesterday, and let me tell you how fast Cubans speak; If Mexicans speak as fast as someone on a bike, Cubans are like Jet Planes. Breaking the sound barrier. Mock 8 practically. Basically my comp and I had no idea what he was saying really. But the Lord provides a way. The gift of tongues is real! I somehow pieced together what he said and was able to provide relevant enough responses to teach our lesson, AND commit him to sacrament meeting. 

For dinner with one of our beloved members, we had papussa and they were almost as good as Beatriz cooks.

I also got to go through the Mesa AZ temple! It was wonderful and so peaceful. It's a really small temple but it was amazing none the less.

I love you all so much! The church is true! Thank you all for your support!

-Elder Hodges

Monday, March 9, 2015

One Week Down, 111 to go.

Buenos Familia!

I don't have a spanish keyboard anymore so it's tough to type in correct spanish.

     These past few days have been awesome! I've taught so many new people and have already learned so much. I have a huge desire and rush to do everything I can and all at once. We taught two boys yesterday, Jose and Corey. We taught them about the importance of prayer and I could tell the spirit was upon us really strong. We invited him to pray and he did. His friend is a member and helping us out a lot too. 
     I started riding my bike everywhere and it isn't that bad--yet. Summer isn't even her yet....heaven bless me. It's already getting pretty hot. We studied a ton these past few days. I have a ton of study time these next few weeks as a new missionary. Elder Wojahn and I went to a planned house but they weren't there so we knocked a few doors. One of the doors was an LDS Family and they took us in. We prayed with them and blessed them that because they took in the servants of the Lord, they would have what they needed. It was and amazing experience that brought tears to her eyes.
     We also taught a man named Adan (Adam) and he agreed to come with us on sunday to church. The last house we stopped by was a members home to get a referal. We visited and imparted a blessing as well. I feel so much more work can be done here than is being done. I plan to do my all to make that happen. 
     The next day we had dinner with an Hermana at her home. We've been blessed to have dinner with members every single night and have them scheduled throughout the months. Yesterday is the first day out of 5 I had a true mexican meal. All the other nights have been pizza or take out from members. Anyway, with this Hermana, (Hermana Sanchez) I talked with her about her life and how it was for her before she had the gospel in her life. She cried as she talked about how rough it was for her before the gospel. Then she cried with tears of joy as she spoke about how her life changed and how much she has been blessed after becoming converted. She spoke really fast spanish but I understood most of it. I testified of how God blesses us and how Jesucristo knows exactly how we feel and what we are going through.
     We couldn't find anyone to teach the past two days though. Everyone we had planned cancelled or wasn't home. Success is slow and people don't want to talk to us much but the mercies of God are evident in our lives. We talk to a lot of people but many are content Catholics--or english speaking. We're not really supposed to teach english speakers or proselyte in English areas which is hard for me to not share the Gospel with everyone. 
     Yesterday was also my first ever full spanish church. It was wonderful to talk with all the members and to experience the church in another language. The talks in church were on loving your neighbor and not judging other people. In gospel doctrine class we talked about the Holy Ghost and by priesthood I was kinda falling asleep. :/ It has been a long week. 
     We met a few more people that hold much potential and seem like they have the willingness to listen. We met a family playing ping-pong outside and talked with them for a while. They invited us back in a few days. I'm really looking forward to teaching them and feel really good about this family.  
     My companion and I were riding our bikes and Elder Wojahn decided for some strange reason to go off into the rocks, then turn, then totally eat it. :) it was funny and he tried to smoothly shake it off :)

     I love you all and miss you all! I thank you for your prayers and your concern over me. The church is true. I know it. I testify that the Lord loves each and every one of you. Yo se que esta evanjelio is verdadero. Y yo se que el espiritu santo ayudar los sentir el amor de Dios. Esta trabajo is dificil, pero, con el poder de Dios, y porque Dios quiere todos sus hijos a regresar a El, Dios daria me y todos los misioneros a buscar y mirar personas al ser bautisado. Dios ama nos todo. Esta iglesia es el solomente camio a regresar a Dios. La iglesia es verdadero y El Libro is azul. (The church is true and the book is blue.) Hurrah para Isreal!

-Elder Hodges

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cold as Rain

     Hello Everyone!

     I've made it into the field! Finally I'm here serving the wonderful people of Scottsdale Arizona! I arrived on Wednesday after a crazy night in Mexico and at airports. I got assigned my companion the next day and his name is Elder Wojahn (Vo-yawn.) He's an incredible missionary that I feel I will be able to learn a lot from.
     I taught my first three lessons yesterday, two completely in Spanish, and they were amazing. The Lord truly gives the gift of tongues and the gift of the spirit. I love the people here and I've only been here for two days. The members here have so much strength and there is soo much work to be done here. I'm in a wonderful little ward (that I cannot disclose for safety) but it's incredible here.
     The day I got here it was poring rain and 56 degrees. It's been freezing cold here in AZ of all places. Matt's theory of global cooling is coming true!
     Getting here I had a ton of meetings. I tried my hardest to stay awake. President and Sister Sweeney fed us really really well with homemade food and snacks. It was all amazing. The next day we had more meetings, a drivers test, transfer meeting, and three lessons.
     I taught a family with an investigating daughter and a mother who grew up catholic but doesn't want organized religion in her life. I bore my testimony of the book of Mormon and taught her the history and purpose of it. The spirit was incredibly strong and she teared up. We have a baptism date for her daughter.
     We taught another boy with a baptism date and his friend who's a member. We played volley ball in his mutual afterwards. We taught another man off the street in his home about faith.
     Things are amazing here! I cannot wait to get more investigators. The Lord has a lot in store for the people here I can feel it! I will update you next week with pictures hopefully!
     I love you all so very much! I miss you all. If you want to send me an email my email is   now, I cannot promise you that I will respond personally as I don't have much time, but I will read it and I will be grateful! Thank you for your support. I can feel your prayers and love. Thank you for your fasting about missionary work. There is so much to be done. Please please Brothers and Sisters of the 6th ward, help the missionaries as much as you can! Get them as many referrals as possible, and offer to attend lessons with investigators. Learn as much about missionary work as you can. The work is just as much yours as it is mine.
     I love you all. The church is true. The Lord lives. I promise you this.

-Elder Hodges

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The End of the Begining

     I have a week left here in the Mexico City CCM, then, at 2am Monday morning, I fly out to Texas then on to Scottsdale Arizona! Things here in the CCM have been interesting. Learning Spanish is intense, the food here is worse than american schools, and the people here are as crazy as some of you back home! I've made a lot of good friends here. I've learned SO much. I've been able to give blessings and receive powerful inspiration. I have the gift of tongues, I have the gift of healing, and I have the power of ministering of angels, which I've witnessed all here in the CCM alone.
     In these final few days I realize how unprepared I really am for the field. I'm studying as hard as I can, but a whole new language to learn in six weeks is pretty crazy! I've been studying the scriptures immensely and I cannot stress enough how important it is to feast on the word of the Lord! Pray every day. Ponder the things in your heart. All these things I've learned the truth of, here in Mexico, trying to learn how to bring people to Christ.
     I've been really really sick these past weeks with a major cough, headache, and some stomach problems. But all that cannot stop my progress! I still study every day and go to class as much as I can! God blesses me even when I'm sick.
     I gave my first talk last Sunday on the power of the Holy Ghost. Completely in Spanish. It was kinda rough but It was a lot better than I thought it would be!
     I've been trying to work out every morning and it's really hard to get up at 5:30 when you're sick, but the soreness afterwords feels good.
     I decided it was time for a hair cut today, no one laugh.

     Here is before the cut,
         (There is a spoon in my ear because I am the Cuchara Hechicero, Blessings of Elder Hatfield)
      Here is me during the cut, just like every haircut,

    She started to use the clippers and I got scared.

   Then she trimmed about an inch above my ear.

 Needless to say it was an interesting and tough day in the center of Mexico.

But I look good none the less :)

I've been fixing a ton of computers here in the CCM too. There are quite a few problems with the spanish programs. 

I was privileged to give my teacher Hermono Polo a blessing yesterday. It was a really spiritual experience.

The power of the Priesthood and the power of the Spirit is so strong here. It's incredible to have this much discernment and revelation here.

Not much else happens here except for learning, eating, and trying to sleep.

Here are all my friends and my crazy companion;
This is Elder Trammel ... He's the biggest jokester of the gang. He's in a different district than I am, but we are definitely friends!

Again Elder Trammel, and from the Left to the right,
Elder Johnson, Elder Nebeker, Elder Seegmiller, Elder Hawkens, and Elder Tingey behind the pole.
This was on our bus ride to the Mexico City Temple :) 

This is my Companion Elder Jordan. A poor representing picture of him, 
but it definitely fits. :) He's freaking awesome and really focused when it comes to class time.

Again on the bus. 

This picture does not do the city justice. Last night we climbed ontop of our four story office in the CCM and looked out over the city. It goes on for miles and miles. It was a really beautiful view.

This is the wall that surrounds the CCM. The brick part is about 10 ft tall. and the fence is another 8 ft. This is what protects us from the crazy things that happen on the other side.

So here is the story of why I am called the Cuchara Hechicero. See the spoon in Elder Tingey's tie? That's what I do in my spare time :) I try to discreatly place spoons on Elders persons without getting caught...It's a tradition here in the CCM. :) and I've carried it on.

Other than that, I will talk to you all next week. (hopefully, My transfer is this week, and I'm not sure when my next P Day will be, but I will talk to you soon!)

I love you all so much and can feel your prayers and am so greatful for them. Thank you.

I love you all!

-Elder Hodges